413 research outputs found

    Openness vor Ort

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    Offene Bildungsmaterialien (englisch: Open Educational Resources, OER) und der dahinter liegende Gedanke der informationellen Offenheit (englisch: Openness) sind in aller Munde: Sowohl international als auch auf nationaler Ebene durch die OERinfo-Förderlinie des Bundesministeriums fĂŒr Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), zu der auch das SynLLOER-Projekt gehört, rĂŒcken OER und Openness vermehrt in den Fokus der Öffentlichkeit. In der Metropolregion Hamburg spielt das Thema Openness schon lĂ€nger eine wichtige Rolle. Die „Strategie Digitale Stadt“ und das daraus initiierte Projekt „Hamburg Open Online University“ haben zu einer aktiven Auseinandersetzung mit Openness sowie der Produktion von Offenen Bildungsmaterialien an vielen Hotspots der Hansestadt gefĂŒhrt

    Metadaten und OER : Geschichte einer Beziehung

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    Metadaten stellen fĂŒr offene Bildungsmaterialien einen essenziellen Bestandteil dar, erfahren bei der Produktion von OER aber leider immer noch nicht genĂŒgend Beachtung. Der vorliegende Beitrag hat sich daher zum Ziel gesetzt, eine historisch-diachrone Perspektive auf die Entwicklung von Metadaten im Allgemeinen und insbesondere auf den OER-Kontext zur thematischen Rahmung und Kontextualisierung beizutragen. Darauffolgend werden aktuelle Hauptstandards vorgestellt sowie zukĂŒnftige Herausforderungen und Potentiale von OER-Metadaten im grĂ¶ĂŸeren Kontext der Openness herausgearbeitet

    Steering the Author Discourse: The Construction of Authorship in Quality TV, and the Case of Game of Thrones

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    This essay examines how authorship is discursively constructed and employed as an indicator of quality in the marketing of US cable network HBO’s TV series ‘Game of Thrones’. It relates the authorial concept of literary studies to that in the visual media and analyses mise-en-scùne and narrative structure of the show pilot in order to detect markers of an authorial voice within the text. Subsequently, it turns to a selection of paratexts – critical reviews, producers’ commentaries and special features of the show’s DVD box set – to show how the team of producers help manufacture and promote the presence of a showrunner-auteur collective in order to foster a perception of this text as a ‘quality TV’ narrative

    Subversion of Nostalgia as a Strategy of Engagement in Alternate History TV: 11.22.63 and The Man in the High Castle

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    Beginning with television’s popularization and mass availability in the 1950s, TV has extensively been employed to transport and mediate history. From the early televisual experiments of The Twilight Zone and Star Trek to more recent examples such as Quantum Leap, The X-Files and Continuum, Science Fiction television and its subgenre of Alternate History drama have played an important role, using historical events as a foil upon which a variety of uchronic “What if”-scenarios has been played out. Incurring Jason Mittell’s call for historical situatedness in regards to genre analysis (4), my proposed presentation will briefly outline the genre’s evolution, and then introduce two of its most recent specimens: The Man in the High Castle (Amazon, 2015-) and 11.22.63 (Hulu, 2016-). With two of the U.S.’ major cultural traumata of the 20th century – WWII and its aftermath, and the assassination of John F. Kennedy – at the core of their stories, these series construct uncanny “What if?”-narratives of daily life during the 1960s in the United (or in one case: Divided) States of America. Building on Alison Landsberg’s notion of ‘historically-conscious drama’ (2015), and via short analyses of the shows and their peritexts – trailers and opening sequences, I will identify strategies at work in these alternate (hi)story drama series that consciously play with, obvert, and transcend common notions of retro and nostalgia. By creating affective proximity as well as detachment through an evocation of nostalgic feelings and simultaneous distancing effects via creative remediation and modulation of U.S. cultural memory [epistemologically understood in this context as an extension of effective (Gadamer 2004) as well as affective history (Olick 2008; Tamm 2008)], I argue that these recent cases of Alternate History TV persuade us into questioning our received conception of U.S. popular history, thus making us see the past with new eyes

    "FlashForward": an experiment in Collective Memory Studies

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    "The thesis investigates the case of the modern Television drama series FlashForward and sets out to chart the employment of concepts of Collective Memory Studies in the narrative in order to reflect upon the ways of how social perceptions of the past and Collective Memory are remediated in the course of the narrative. To achieve that goal, the thesis provides a selection of concepts and theories concerned with Collective Memory and its medial presentation. Then the series is set into context of a classification of ‘megamovies’ in order to identify characteristics inherent in complex narratives of series such as ‘Battlestar Galactica’, ‘Breaking Bad’, ‘Lost’,’ Fringe’,’ V’ and ‘FlashForward’. As a means of illustrating the complexity of the series’narration, an appendix provides additional information such as the first episode’s mise-en-scùne, a chronological sequencing of this episode and an overview of the social relations evolving during the whole season of the show. Subsequently, the characteristics are compared to the discourse of Collective Memory and relations such as the series as ‘fiction of memory’ and ‘fiction of meta-memory’, the presence of intra- and extradiegetic remediations, and the specific role of the narrator in such a fiction of memory are revealed. Finally, the thesis concludes that this television series plays with multiple concepts of Media of Collective Memory and adds a new dimension to the larger discussion about individual and collective memories. What is found in particular is a narration that adds a twist to the definition of memory, because it turns the temporal directionality of memories around.

    Meticulous world-building in Space: The Expanse, and the current resurgence of Science Fiction on TV

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    This CSTOnline blog post takes a look at the current resurgence of science fiction on television, and discusses these recent trends along the example of The Expanse, an adaptation of the successful space opera penned by scifi author James S. A. Corey

    openLab. Nexus der Entwicklung in Richtung Openness

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    Der Beitrag thematisiert die Genese des im Sommer 2017 an der UniversitĂ€t Hamburg gestarteten openLabs, das sich als virtueller Nexus zum breiten Themenfeld der Openness in zahlreichen Facetten und mit Ziel der mittelfristigen Etablierung einer Practice of Open Science (POS) versteht und die AnsĂ€tze bestehender Projekte zielgruppenĂŒbergreifend vernetzt

    Under the Macroscope: Convergence in the US Television Market between 2000 and 2014

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    The paradigms of media change and convergence in relation to the so-called â€șnew mediaâ€č have kept scholars occupied for more than two decades. In the US and the UK, the switch from analogue to digital television comprises just the most recent step of technological developments offering an unprecedented variety of ways in which national, transnational, and global audiences are able to access television content. This article’s aim is to offer a macroscopic review of these changing ways within the US television market during the past decade. This will be done with a distinct focus on statistical data in order to diachronically substantiate the often-attributed active role that consumers played in the larger transformations that are nowadays subsumed under the term â€șconvergenceâ€č. Subsequently, the article will provide a short case study of the US premium-cable network HBO in order to exemplify the mechanisms at work within this larger convergence landscape that does not stop at the borders of the United States, but transcends nationalities to form a truly global media setting

    “Have you ever tried to un-make soup?” Legion’s roller-coaster ride through the Sixties

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    Legion, one of the most recent iterations of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) on television, takes an unconventional road to remediating the 1960s as a cultural period


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    The significance of gut health for optimized feed efficiency has become more evident in present times of volatile prices for feed ingredients. Several feeding strategies may be implemented in order to secure gut health and performance of farm animals. Among potential alternatives, phytogenics represent a relatively new and promising group of substances that may help the animal to achieve its genetic potential for growth performance better. Originating from plant materials, phytogenics have flavouring properties as well as biological activities. Antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant and many other biological activities have been found in various phytogenic compounds. However, the mode of action of phytogenics is versatile and still needs further scientific evaluation in many cases. A beneficial impact on gut microflora, level of microbial toxins in the gut and nutrient digestibility was reported in a recent study with pigs. Moreover, it has been speculated that phytogenics may stimulate the secretion of saliva and digestive enzymes. Recent research findings, obtained in experiments with a phytogenic blend of oregano, anise and citrus essential oils, are reviewed in the present paper, indicating that these substances have a pronounced impact on performance and health status of poultry, swine and calves. Considerable improvements in daily weight gain, feed conversion ratio and feed intake were obtained when phytogenics were included in the feed of different species.VaĆŸnost zdravlja crijeva za optimiziranje djelotvornosti hrane sve je očitija danas u vrijeme nepostojanih cijena sastojaka hrane. Moguće je provesti nekoliko strategija hranidbe da bi se osiguralo zdravlje i rad crijeva domaćih ĆŸivotinja. Među mogućim alternativama fitogenici predstavljaju relativno novu i obećavajuću skupinu tvari ĆĄto mogu pomoći ĆŸivotinjama u postizanju genetskih potencijala za bolji rast. Podrijetlom od biljnih materijala fitogenici posjeduju ukusna svojstva kao i bioloĆĄke aktivnosti. Antimikrobne, antivirusne, antioksidantne i druge bioloĆĄke aktivnosti nađene su u raznim fitogenskim spojevima. Međutim, način djelovanja fitogenika je mnogostran te zahtijeva dalju naučnu procjenu u mnogim slučajevima. Pozitivno djelovanje na crijevnu mikrofloru, razinu mikropskih otrova u crijevima i probavljivost hranjivih tvari izneseno je u novijem radu na svinjama. Osim toga, nagađa se da fitogenici mogu stimulirati izlučivanje sline i probavnih enzima. Nalazi mnogih istraĆŸivanja, dobiveni u pokusima s fitogenskim mjeĆĄavinama esencijalnih ulja origana, anisa i limuna prikazani u ovom radu upućuju da ove tvari imaju izrazito djelovanje na rezultate i zdravlje peradi, svinja i teladi. Značajno poboljĆĄanje dnevnog povećanja teĆŸine, omjera konverzije i unosa hrane dobiveni su dodavanjem fitogenika u hranu
